2024 Holiday Party Amvets Post 2256

2024 Holiday Party Amvets Post 2256

Amvets post 2256 in Circleville, OH was the location of our 2024 Holiday party, but the party was a group effort between AmVets, the VA and other volunteers. The guests were participants in the programs intended to aid American military veterans with the challenges of secure housing.  I was shocked to learn I was invited again this year.  I'd thought the programs were for finding homes for homeless veterans.  It is also for helping veterans stay in their homes.  Mental health and suicide prevention are part of that efforts.  The holidays can be particulary challenging for both homeless and once homeless veterans.  Let's face it, we were all homeless for a reason.  Those reasons do not go away once we find a home.
Amvets holiday party
There was food galore.  After the first serving, there was a second.  Then we were offered take home.  After all were fed and offered take home, I was offered a take home box for my David dog.  He loved it but the farts were horrendous that night.  I would not trade my David for the world.  However, he will not be eating turkey next year.
BDU Christmas StockingOf course the endless pies and other deserts were not enough for this diabetic.  There were also battle dress uniform (BDU) stockings.  Each was filled with chocolate, candy canes and other treats.  I was glad to be carrying extra insulin and my constant monitoring glucose meter.  The event caused me to invent a new holiday: Cheat Week.
The new holiday is a weeklong.  It starts at sundown on December 24th and ends at sunrise on January 1st.  During that week, we should overlook dietary restrictions within reason.  While I am not encouraging alcoholics to drink alcohol, we have to remember psychological health is as important as physical health.
That is what the party is all about.  A single meal will not likely make a huge difference for either the homeless or once homeless.  But the knowledge that one is not completely alone for the holidays can save lives.

To that end, the VA even sent a bus with a wheelchair lift for those of us who remain stuck in wheelchairs.  Thank you!
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